PRACTICE safety when cooking in your first home with EC Gas, the first and only composite liquid petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder in the country.

Easter Composite (EC) Gas LPG cylinder is an alternative to the traditional steel tank sold in the market which is made of patented composite fiberglass which makes it 100 percent explosion proof, leaving you with safer homes and worry-free kitchens.

EC Gas tanks are 70 percent lighter than the steel tanks and it is also translucent, making the LPG visible.

It comes with a regulator that is from Germany under Rotarex company that has a flow limiter that stops the flow of LPG when disconnected from the cylinder or when there is a hose rupture.

The regulator is also equipped with an on and off switch and can be placed through a snap on mechanism, making it user friendly.

EC Gas cylinder retails for a promo price of P3,750 inclusive of the cylinder tank set with regulator, hose, 2 clamps and free delivery and installation without the LPG content yet but with their Piso LPG promo, the content will be only for P1 in exchange of client’s steel tank. Promo is until December 2014.

EC Gas is manufactured by Hexagon Ragasco from Norway, Europe and is exclusively distributed by Eastern Petroleum in the country.

Here in Davao City, EC Gas has two distributors located in Ma-a and Buhangin and two outlets in Bacaca and Tibungco.

For inquiry, contact their Ma-a Branch at 244-0446/0932-122-5884 or visit

Other EC Gas distributors and outlets in Mindanao are located in General Santos City, Cagayan de Oro City and Tagum City.
